Christmas at the Morledge House 2016

Tuesday 27 December 2016

Christmas is my absolute favourite time of year, and this year was especially amazing because I got to spend it with Tommy <3 I’m so lucky to have such a fantastic family and brilliant boyfriend to enjoy the festive season with, and this year was no exception.

The day started when I woke up at 6:45am and, not able to get back to sleep, joined my sister in my parents’ room and opened our stockings. Stockings are always exciting because they are our first venture into the happiness of the day. They’re usually full of little, happiness-bringing things like chocolate and in my case, make-up, pens and toiletries.
Once all the stockings were opened, my dad went downstairs and called up the ever familiar “He’s been!” and we all piled downstairs in our Christmas pyjamas to sit around the tree and start opening our presents. It's exciting not only to receive all the beautiful things our loved ones give us, but also to watch as people open the things that we give them. My gifts included lots of books, stationery, cosy clothes and hot chocolate. I also received a pair of boots that I've wanted for a long time, and a camera so I can start taking beautiful photos for this blog!

After getting dressed, my dad and I drove out to town to pick Tommy up and then opened the presents we’d got each other. Tommy got me a Waterstones gift card – he knows me very well! I already know one of the books I’m going to buy with it, and you can probably expect a post about it in the near future.
My grandparents soon arrived and a delicious Christmas dinner made by my mum was served. Honestly, there is nothing I love more than Christmas dinner. Everything about it is perfect. Even the sprouts make my mouth water.
Crackers were pulled and we were delighted to find frogs inside which we quickly got to work hopping across the table. My granddad (sporting a fabulous Christmas hat) won the day when he scored a hole-in-one by flipping the frog straight into my nanna’s bowl of Christmas pudding.
Once we’d all recovered a bit from our ginormous meal, we spent the rest of the day playing games, all in the effort to win ‘top prizes’, which ended up being an assortment of spectacular items including Kinder eggs, soap and gummy pizza. We also had a video chat with my sister and niece.

After a shower and when everyone had gone to bed, Tommy and I drank some delicious Whittard’s hot chocolate (my favourite; a Christmas gift from my parents) before falling asleep, ready for Boxing Day.
This Christmas has been an amazing and special one, and there's still so much more to look forward to before the year is out. Only 363 days to go until the next one!

Love from Beth xx