Endings & New Beginnings

Saturday 28 May 2016

I can’t believe I’ve finished my first year of university already. What a crazy, fun, life-changing year it’s been! And I’ll get to do it all over again for the next three years. It’s so strange to think that this time last year I was suffering through all of my A-Level exams, waiting for them to be over so I could relax and enjoy the summer. At that point, I was pretty determined not to go to university but thank god I had a last minute change of heart, or I wouldn’t be the happier, more confident person I am today.

In September, I made a huge leap along with thousands of other first year students and moved halfway across the country into a city I’d never been before and started university. I immediately loved my course. TV Production was everything I’d hoped it would be and everyone I met on the course was lovely. I got on with the people I lived with and everything was great. Like most students, I was often struck with homesickness but I had my new friends to help me and I got through it. However, although I was quickly learning independence, I still stayed hidden deep within my shell and preferred to spend my nights alone in my room with a cup of tea and a good book, while everyone else in the flat went out partying.

It was only in November, when I moved into a different halls of residence called Merrowdown, that I really came out of my shell and became myself. And it wasn’t a slow, reluctant crawl out of my shell, either; it was a giant, out-of-nowhere leap into the open air. My very first day in Merrowdown, I made a huge effort to talk to everyone and have some fun rather than keep to myself, and that was the best decision that I’ve made all year. If I hadn’t done that – if I hadn’t made an effort to meet these guys – I wouldn’t have the amazing friends that I have now. I don’t think I would have even made it through the year without them.

When I returned to uni after Christmas and my trip to Disneyland, things became more difficult for a while. One of my closest friends in Merrowdown left uni which affected me a lot, and my mum later became ill. These things, along with the fact that my motivation for my course suddenly dropped from 100 to about 7, made coping with uni life much harder than it had been before. I’d had a history of depression before, and it hit me hard in February and March. This was the point when I might have dropped out if it hadn’t been for my brilliant friends who pulled me through.

As things have a habit of doing, however, it all got better. I’m still in contact with my friend who left, my mum’s getting better, and I made a huge decision that got me through the stressful last months of coursework. I decided to change course. Although I love everyone in TVP, the TV industry is not necessarily where I want to end up and therefore the course just wasn’t for me. Instead, in September, I’ll be starting a Creative Writing degree, so I’ll get to spend all day every day writing stories, poems and scripts. Sounds like heaven!

Now, as I’m writing this, I’m back at home having finished my first year of university. It was sad to leave Merrowdown but I know that we’ll see each other again in September and keep having as much fun as we’ve had all this year. I can’t thank these guys enough for being there for me. Every single person in that house has helped me in some way and I’m beyond grateful for that. From hugging me when I’m upset and carrying me downstairs when I passed out, to giving me words of encouragement when I needed them and posting train tickets to my house when I accidentally sent them to Merrowdown and then left for Easter. Everyone in Merrowdown is incredible.

But even though it’s sad to say goodbye to the house, next year will be even more fun. I’ll be living with three other girls in student housing where there will be Netflix nights and baking days every week. I’m so excited for what’s to come in September. I can’t wait!

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